Raising money for various disability specific items and equipment
We cannot wait and are so excited for the Life for Lewis Appeal Charity Cricket Day on the 1st Sept. There will be so much to do on the day for all the family and it would be lovely to see as many of our friends and family as possible.
The event is being organised by David & Margaret Liddle and their amazing team. Thank you for your ongoing support and generosity to Lewis and our family, it means everything to us x Sept 2024 - Charity Cricket Match more details
We have received incredible support and generosity from so many people over the years, but we haven't been actively fundraising for Lewis for approx 3 years now.
Unfortuntely, we are always going to need disability specific items and equipment for him on an ongoing basis, it is a proven fact that it costs 3 times as much to bring up a disabled child and adult. The costs are just relentess and Lewis is going to need help with these costs on an ongoing basis throughout his life. Coupled with the cost of living and trying to keep a roof over Lewis' and the rest of our families head for as long as possible, things are extremely challenging and very stressful financially for us on an ongoing basis and causes us a lot of worry and anxiety. This is one extra thing that we have to worry about in an already extremely challenging and demanding daily life.
Lewis is now 21 (12th Nov 23), so if there is anyone who wishes to donate to his appeal for his 21st, then it would be extremely appreciated by our whole family.
Online donations can be made using GoFundMe..
Below are the items we are currently actively fundraising for:
Best wishes and much love,
Gary, Lexi and Lewis x
For full details of these fundraising project please click here
Previous Fundraising Projects successfully achieved
Please find below items which we have already raised the funds for and which are already making a huge difference to my quality of life.
Lewis Robert Herbert was born on the 12th November 2002 at 12:20am weighing a healthy 8.2lbs.
After keeping us waiting for a 34 hour labour and being rushed out by the consultant as he was getting distressed. Our 1st baby was here and we couldn't wait to start our family life. The next chapter for Gary & I. He was the most beautiful thing we had ever seen. We had so many dreams and hopes for our little boy. Read more.. Our Special Boy
Raising money for various disability specific items, equipment, and home adaptations/alterations which are NOT available to me through standard NHS provision and statutory services.
To get involved and help fundraising for Lewis please contact us