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Please use the links below to to find out more about Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome

Further Information about my condition.. Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome

Visit: Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome Foundation (LGS)
Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome (LGS) is a rare and often debilitating form of childhood-onset epilepsy. The syndrome is characterized by a triad of signs including multiple seizure types, moderate to severe cognitive impairment, and an abnormal EEG with slow spike-wave complexes.  This triad of mixed seizures, abnormal EEG and intellectual impairment represents one of the most difficult forms of epilepsy to treat. LGS is also a physically dangerous epilepsy syndrome of childhood because of the frequent falls, injuries, and cognitive impairment that can severely limit quality of life.

Visit: National Organisation for Rare Disorders (NORD)
NORD, a 501(c)(3) organization, is a patient advocacy organization dedicated to individuals with rare diseases and the organizations that serve them. NORD, along with its more than 260 patient organization members,  is committed to the identification, treatment, and cure of rare disorders through programs of education, advocacy, research, and patient services.

Lennox–Gastaut syndrome (LGS) is a childhood-onset epilepsy that most often appears between the second and sixth year of life. LGS is characterized by a triad of signs including frequent seizures of multiple types, an abnormal EEG pattern of less than 2.5 Hz slow spike wave activity, and moderate to severe intellectual impairment.

Visit: Epilepsy Action
Epilepsy Action is a community of people committed to a better life for everyone affected by epilepsy. We want high quality, accessible epilepsy healthcare services, so that people with epilepsy have the support they need to manage their condition. We want wider awareness and understanding of epilepsy, so that people living with the condition are treated with fairness and respect.

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Further Information about Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome

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