How to Donate to the Life for Lewis Appeal

Raising money for various disability specific items and equipment

Life for Lewis Tree of Hope Fundraising

Life for Lewis Tree of Hope Fundraising

Why we use Tree of Hope to administer our fundraising activities..

Tree of Hope is the crowdfunding charity that helps children and young people with a disability or illness by supporting their families to raise the money they need to pay for specialist care that is not freely available through the UK healthcare system. It is not possible for a charity to be established to support an individual child. However, Tree of Hope is the umbrella charity which has supported thousands of individual children’s campaigns for almost 25 years.

Tree of Hope Life for Lewis Tree of Hope Fundraising

Tree of Hope helps families fundraise for their children to receive operations, treatments and therapies not ordinarily available in the UK. You can support individual children to reach their campaign targets and make a real difference to their lives. Money specifically donated to a campaign is allocated to that child to meet their needs.

As a donor, you will have peace of mind you are donating to a registered charity that fully supports the families with their campaigns. This gives you real reassurance, unlike individual crowdfunding campaigns where the money goes directly to individuals and are unregulated. Tree of Hope ensures that donations are managed in a tax efficient way and are distributed in accordance with campaign aims and in line with all charity commission guidance. This saves the families time and effort and allows them to focus on their fundraising.

Tree of Hope Life for Lewis Tree of Hope Fundraising

If you have any questions or require further information please contact my PA.. well mum or dad !

Tree of Hope

Life for Lewis Tree of Hope Fundraising

Back to.. How to Donate to the Life for Lewis Appeal

Online donations can be made using GoFundMe..

Life for Lewis Flip Flops by YearoneHQ

No more smelly trainers.. get some Life for Lewis flip flops
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Life for Lewis Wrist Bands and Pens Merchandise

For a small donations these could be yours.. Read more.. Merchandise Wrist Bands and Pens

Get Involved.. Fundraising Volunteers Wanted

I am seeking willing fundraiser's to help me fulfill my targets and dreams. Read more.. Get Involved

To get involved and help fundraising for Lewis please contact us

How to Donate to the Life for Lewis Appeal

Life for Lewis Appeal 2015-25 © All Rights Reserved.